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Showing posts from August, 2024

That Overnight Flight

Medical fatigue.  No.  Ailment fatigue?  Treatment fatigue. I could come up with a term, look up a term or explain to you what I mean.  Alright. I've had enough of being prodded, propped up, hovered over,  pricked, examined and fussed over as a candidate for dear old death. Therefore, when my body acts up, which is happening right now, I measure whether I need to see any medical personnel (including pharmacists) based on my own mortality probability scale.  Ideally, one shouldn't go see a medic at every sound the body makes, but I'm particularly averse to seeing a medic at the moment because of the multiple hospital visits in the last few months.  So, I get on with this kangaroo court measurement system. It's really simple.  I make up the qualifying questions as I go.  Is it an infection? If so, is it likely to affect fluid build-up in my lungs? No? Then I stay put and hope it goes away.  Do I feel any discomfort and pain? Yes? Then I'll drink water and call it a da

Needles & Olives - Prequel to Now

Okay. This is where I unpeel. I've dragged you into my journey with health. You cheer me on, but you're not 100% sure what's going on. So here's a laundry list with a timeliness. Hopefully it will make certain sense.    1. Buckle up.   2006 - Pregnancy. Hypertension. Snoring. Acid reflux. 2007 onwards - Getting higher doses of hypertension medications and being told to lose weight. Medical apathy. 2018 - Iron deficiency started showing up. I was not aware, until later.  mid-2019 - Breathing difficulties manifest at odd times. Started on steroids. Important to remember.  2019 - Enlarged heart detected. 2029 (Dec) - Personal paranoia about SARSCOV2 hits high inside me. Causing me to be a hermit ahead of the lockdown. Feb 2020 - Asthma diagnosis. Fear of COVID19 contraction escalates. March 2020 - The cardiomegaly continues (fancy way of saying, “Your heart's too big and not in a good way.) 2020 - Partaking in the collective insanity. 2021 August - Vaccinated against C

Needles & Trucks

This was on my penultimate day in hospital. One of the hospital managers took special care to relate a new experience she had.  Here's the gist of the dialogue. Head nurse👩‍⚕️: Oh darling. I must tell you a story. You know how I hang out here with the nurses sometimes. I was here last night and yho! Hehehee Me👩🏾‍🦱: *confused and sleepy* Ahh yes. Hahaa.  👩‍⚕️ (continues talking and actually sits next to me 😬): Last night, I could hear Mr So-so really bringing down the house with his loud snores (continues to chuckle uncontrollably)  I went to his bed to check, and my gosh, he was sleeping so soundly. I was in shock.  👩🏾‍🦱: Oh. Hey. Look at that. Poor Mr So-so. He was innocent. (Me contemplating ending this conversation) So, was it me and not him?  👩‍⚕️(really wants to tell the story, while leaping from side to side on her chair. So I indulge her. Big smile on.): No, I said to the nurses, the noise comes from room 6. They looked at each other and started laughing. I told


Let your guard down. You're allowed to show signs of strain. It's okay not to be okay.  All words that I held in contempt for some time in my elderly youth (30s). Then I experienced a shift and I love it.