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That Overnight Flight

Medical fatigue. 
Ailment fatigue? 
Treatment fatigue.

I could come up with a term, look up a term or explain to you what I mean. 

Alright. I've had enough of being prodded, propped up, hovered over,  pricked, examined and fussed over as a candidate for dear old death. Therefore, when my body acts up, which is happening right now, I measure whether I need to see any medical personnel (including pharmacists) based on my own mortality probability scale. 
Ideally, one shouldn't go see a medic at every sound the body makes, but I'm particularly averse to seeing a medic at the moment because of the multiple hospital visits in the last few months. 
So, I get on with this kangaroo court measurement system.

It's really simple. 

I make up the qualifying questions as I go. 
Is it an infection? If so, is it likely to affect fluid build-up in my lungs? No? Then I stay put and hope it goes away. 
Do I feel any discomfort and pain? Yes? Then I'll drink water and call it a day.

An example is a rash that I've developed. At first, I thought it was my usual post-hospital rash and skin peel.  
This also comes with hair thinning, presumably from little hospital gremlins that dislike keratin.

I have also developed a blood ritual involving my nostrils. Huge discomfort. Not worth a trip to anywhere. 

It is under these conditions that my body pranked me.
First, my eyes started watering. 
Then the left eye became itchy. By then, it was too late. I knew what was happening. 
Still, I told myself that I'm probably reacting to smoke from... my imagination. 
The itchiness graduated to eyelid pain. 
The waterworks were behaving somewhat like a certain major city's water system, leaking endlessly. 
Red eye. Urgh!
By now, little white slime has appeared inside this eye. 
Condensed milk.
That was it! Bacterial Conjunctivitis was here. 
Hours and hours of wiping off and protecting the eye. 

My mind took me back to a moment while I was inside a store at the hospital, and I stumbled upon an eye patch and asked myself, with a smirk, who would randomly need that. 

Do I need to see a doctor? 
Well, I don't believe that conjunctivitis will fill my lungs with fluid and trigger heart failure. Nor will it trigger a rise in blood pressure.
Therefore, I need not be seen by any medical personnel. 
I will not be touched. 
Case closed.


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